It’s always exciting not knowing what the future might bring. The New Year welcomes new opportunities, many are the ones you plan on achieving, and many are those that just show up out of nowhere!
How will you know how to handle all of these opportunities?
Being able to see new opportunities as they unfold and knowing how to deal with them can make the difference between you having a successful year and an unproductive year.
If you want to be productive and stay focused on one goal, it all starts with knowing exactly what you want. What is the big “want” that you have chosen to put all of your thoughts, time and effort towards?
Most people might set a goal, but they are not truly committed to it. It is actually a fleeting idea that they are hoping they “might” achieve and may even attempt to achieve.
But to choose to really attain something means that there is a level of commitment, a decision to truly want and to achieve that certain something. A decision is made to achieve, no matter what!!
With all of the wants and desires that you may have, you always know when you have chosen the right “want” because whenever you think about it, you feel it as well. Your body has a physical reaction to the idea. That is a true “want” because it sparks desire. That is the goal you should select to achieve because you are already feeling it as if it is achieved.
It is that desire of the goal achievement that is going to move you towards the attainment of your goal.
When you are clear on your goal and your decision to attain it, now you will be clear on what direction you need to move. This clarity is suddenly going to make the opportunities become more visible. The opportunities to accept and to act upon make much more sense to you because you will choose to focus on the ones that will help you achieve the “want” that you have selected.
Your path is clearer because you are choosing only the opportunities that will lead you to your want, or in other words, your goal.
Other opportunities may come your way, but you will be clear on which ones to spend your time and effort.
The key is to not deviate from your current goal with flashes and bright lights from new things that distract you. Stay focused on your one true goal and want and not only will you be successful in its attainment, you will have created the formula for results achievement that you can reuse year after year.
Once your current goal is achieved, you can then go back and see how those other opportunities fit in with your next goal.
Opportunities come and go. Choosing the right ones will guarantee your success in your results achievement.