You definitely know the routine. We all do!
You set your goal, you are totally motivated and set on achieving it, and you may even accomplish it for a few weeks. Then, something shifts and changes. Not only do you slowly revert back to your old self and abandon the goal, you begin to beat yourself up for failing! You fill yourself with negative backtalk about your lack of willpower and ability, and why this vision just wasn’t meant to be. You eventually accept the failure and promise to do better next time.
Been there, done it, right?
Instead of going on this roller coaster ride of the excitement of achieving a goal, and the negativity of not achieving a goal, why not finally put in motion the actions that will allow you to get results?
Here is one important thing you need to know about results achievement.
You must not only believe that you can achieve the goal, you must believe you are worthy to receive it!
This is such a tricky thing to understand, but in most cases, we are putting the cart before the horse.
We are attempting to achieve a goal that our own self will not allow us to attain!
You may want the goal so badly that it is controlling all of your focus and attention. A day doesn’t go by where you think about this goal, but, what you want and desire is no match for the hidden force that is keeping you stuck. It is this part of you that is keeping you where you are and will not let you go to where you want to be.
It is your belief.
There is no secret formula, there is no hidden path, that’s it. You have a belief that you are not able to achieve your goal, even if you think you can!
Your current belief system is forming who you are now and controlling your every move. When your current belief is not in alignment with the goal you want to achieve, it will fight you.
Rather than focusing on attaining a certain goal, you want to focus on the belief you need to form to ensure you can attain the goal.
So, how do you change your beliefs?
You first need to understand who you are now. Start by taking a close look around you. You have surrounded yourself with what you believe you deserve. Whether it is your job, a relationship or your home. Your current environment is a reflection of the belief you have in yourself and what you are willing to receive. This is your starting point.
Next, understand more about how you got here. You have many facets to you and your personality. You have your morals and ethics, spiritual and cultural teachings, and your own personal preferences and beliefs. Your beliefs and habits are programmed into you and are running every move you make. Get a detailed understanding of those beliefs and habits.
Finally, now that you are aware of where you are and how you got here, define the belief you need to change or acquire. What belief do you need to have in yourself that will allow you to attract the goal you desire?
Once you have found the belief you want to have, you can now put all of your focus and attention on its attainment. Start by writing it out in a statement.
Whatever your statement, make this your new affirmation. Read it several times a day to ensure your mind absorbs and gets used to hearing and seeing it. Eventually, you will begin to believe it!
And when you start believing, you can then begin to set the goals you want to achieve!
If you truly want to achieve your goals, start by knowing and changing your beliefs. When you take control of them, you will then be taking control of yourself and you will be able to accomplish every goal you set!