Imagine I hand you a packet. I tell you that in this container was the seed to a plant so magnificent, a one of a kind plant that no one else could ever have because there is only one in the entire universe, a seed so extraordinary it would shock the entire world with its brilliance. It however had one condition. It had to be planted outside in your garden. Knowing what you know, would you plant it?
Would you take the chance of planting it outside with your other garden vegetables and flowers and releasing it to the elements? You can imagine all the things that could go wrong. The weather alone could kill it if it wasn’t properly covered or protected. It would need to be spaced enough away from other plants to allow the sun to reach it and would probably need to be fertilized regularly. Because of it being so rare, you may need to weed it regularly to control any other plants taking control of the garden. You may even need to sacrifice other plants by removing them to allow this special seed to reign in the garden, after all, there are no other seeds like this one. You could not take the chance of this one dying. You might have to check the soil regularly for the proper PH to ensure the plant gets the right nutrients. This will take a lot of work.
Seem like a daunting task? I guess the alternative would be to keep the seed in your home for a while until the right conditions come along for you to plant it so that it would grow perfectly. You could wait until you could afford a greenhouse, maybe hire a professional gardener to grow it for you, or just keep it in a safe place until you have the time and energy to devote to giving it 100% of your attention. You can wait until you retire to really care for it because by then you won’t have other commitments and can care for it full time.
Unfortunately, with the second option, the seed usually dies from neglect before it ever has the chance to be planted. That seed in the packet represents what many of do with our own big idea. It is waiting to be planted and nourished so that it can grow into its magnificence. All it needs is for you to tend to it, nurture it, keep other ideas from overshadowing it, and allowing it to grow to maturity.
But many of us take the second option. We tuck away our ideas hoping for the right time and place so that we take care of it then, when it suits us best. But with this option, the time is usually never right because we never make the decision to make the time. We push the idea away so often that eventually the seed dies.
You probably have a handful of ideas going in your mind right now. Make the decision to plant that one big idea right now. Make the commitment to nurture it and care for it until it grows to maturity. It is your duty to grow you one of a kind idea and release it for all the world to see.
Learn to plant your seeds. Then and only then can you reap the rewards from their growth.