With social media being such a popular thing these days I find that many people, even though they want to communicate through email, twitter or facebook, are still hesitating to do so. I find this interesting especially with business owners. There is this misconception that if they send out a message that is intended to help people that they may somehow offend somebody.
They would rather not send their message to the hundreds of people they have in their database because they are focused on offending one or more people with the intrusion. In most cases the majority of the people they’re sending the message to need and want to hear the message.
So, why is it that a business owner who has an informative message for their clients is hesitant to send it? Well, this has more to do with the individual sending the message rather than social media or the business. This has more to do with a hidden fear that the business owner has of the reaction of the recipient.
The hard part about this is to discover what the fear is and why the person has it.
I find that in my consulting practice the majority of people have a fear of being judged. It is that mentality of being afraid of someone not liking them or criticizing them. They would rather not contact the majority of their clients or friends because of the fear of rejection from one person. You can see how this type of fear can stop you from expressing yourself either personally or professionally.
One way to take away this fear is to re-evaluate the situation. Let’s say for example you have a database of 1000 people that have subscribed to your social media site. You are now excited about a message that could potentially give you some business or that you just want to share with friends. You’re about to hit the send button and you suddenly freeze with anxiety.
That frozen state actually is your nervous system having a reaction to you doing something against your belief system. For whatever reason you have formed a perception in your mind that what you’re doing is going to get a negative response.
The way to get around that is to change your perception.
Rather than focusing on the one person who may not want to hear your message, focus on the other 999 who need to hear it. That one person can unsubscribe and that will make your life easier because now you know you don’t have to worry about sending anything to them in the future. It’s actually in your best interest to have people unsubscribe so that you end up with a list of people that you want to speak to.
Focus on the 999 people that need to hear your message. Picture them as receiving your message happily and thanking you for the message.
When you focus on the positive of what you want to do rather than the small negative that may or may not happen that fear will start to subside.
Remember, if this is happening with your messages on social media it’s probably happening in other areas of your life as well. We may not know where that belief system came from, but perhaps at some point in your life when you had put yourself out there, you did not get the positive response you had hoped for. You have somehow formed a belief in yourself that reactions may always be negative so it’s safer not to put yourself out there.
If you are having problems sending your messages, speaking up or communicating to others without fear then you may be dealing with a belief that you have been living with all your life.
It all starts with discovering your habits and your beliefs and once you are aware of something you can begin to change them. If you’re ready to start eliminating these fears from your life please let me know. I’d love to show you how easy it is to change your life and start pushing that send button with no fear.