It’s interesting how we can watch trends come and go, many of them the same ones from decades ago. History really does repeat itself.
We can see it all around us.
But have you ever thought about how history repeats itself within you, your thoughts and your actions?
Much of what you have felt and experienced in the past is most likely to reoccur in your future, whether you are aware it or not, and whether you want it to or not, it really doesn’t matter. It will show up in some form and reveal itself.
Throughout your life you have had experiences, and with each one of those events, you have tied an emotion. Some may have been positive and some may have been negative. Today, when a situation arises that is similar to that past experience, whatever emotion or reaction you at that time tied to the event, that is the emotion or reaction that will present itself today.
So, in other words, you have formed a habit to react a certain way based on your past experiences.
History repeats itself everyday through your habits that were formed from your past and most of the time, you are not even aware of where those habits originated. It’s those habits that are causing you to act and be a certain way. No big deal, right?
The problem arises however when the habit that you acquired in your past is now not in harmony with a goal you want to achieve. You are wanting to act and be one way, but your body is still repeating the action assigned to it from your past. Your outer want is not in alignment with your inner self.
This is the main issue you may find yourself up against when you are not able to achieve your goals. And if you have tried in the past to achieve something and failed, and you have tried over and over and still not been able to achieve, there is your proof that history does and will continue to repeat itself.
So, how can you work around that programming that is disrupting you today and keeping you from attaining what you want in life?
It’s actually a very simple formula.
You need to take the right steps to break the historic event from returning by creating a new event in its place.
Start by looking for a situation where you had intended to act or be a certain way, but your body had a mind of its own and took over and reacted in a different way. Your body did the opposite of what your mind was telling it to do.
That is your first sign of the past programming.
Become aware of the situation, what it was you reacted to, and how you reacted.
You may even remember the original event where you had developed this reaction in the first place. Once you are aware of it, clearly define it and label your action and how you react.
For example: Having to speak up in a meeting, but freezing and not saying a word.
One’s intention in their mind may have been to speak confidently and share their knowledge and expertise, but their body kept them from responding.
Once you can visualize and label a past situation where you reacted against your will you can now prepare for future situations. Begin to visualize in your mind how you want yourself to act when these situations arise in the future. In other words, see yourself being the way you intended to respond to that original event.
Clearly define and label the situation and how you want to react to it in the future.
Keeping with our previous example: One would see themselves standing and confidently speaking in front of a group of people and receiving great feedback from their message.
Now that you know how you want to be in the future, you can begin to prepare yourself for when it happens. Create a visualization in your mind of you being the way you want in order to achieve your goal. See yourself moving forward in a confident and positive state and with your body performing the action with ease.
When you continually practice in your mind and with your body, you will eventually become that person. Your body will begin to react in a new way…the way you have programmed it to react for the future.
It may take a few days, a few weeks or even a few months.
But the more you practice and work on it, eventually, your body will begin to react the way you want, exactly the way you visualized it in your mind.
One day you will find yourself reacting in a totally new way. A positive way. The way that will take you towards your goals.
While you may not be able to change your history, you truly can create your future.