One thing almost all individuals want in their lives, is happiness.
That emotional feeling of pleasure and contentment most will spend their entire lifetime seeking.
They may take the path of achieving more wealth, perhaps with a better paying job or winning the lottery. They may search for a partner to bring them the true happiness they desire. Or for some, they may change their personal appearance.
While these avenues may bring some temporary joy or a spike in one’s mood, they will not increase a person’s happiness level. That is because circumstances have much less of an impact on our happiness than most of us imagine.
A large percentage of how happy we feel actually begins with our belief.
We must believe that we not only have an inner source of happiness, but that we can actually control its growth from within and raise the bar to a higher level. We just need to activate it.
By believing in the power of our higher self and its ability to control our emotions we are creating a mental atmosphere that allows the happiness to occur. Having this state of mind gives us the faith to materialize happiness into our lives.
We must then release any doubt and worry from our minds and replace it with positive thoughts. Even the smallest thoughts can create the biggest shifts. By removing the negative and replacing it with positive we are moving up a notch in the happiness scale.
Lastly, being thankful for our abilities, our existence, our inner qualities and the goodness that resides inside, creates a positive state of mind. This practice creates the vibration of happiness.
Understanding that true happiness comes from within will help one have a long-lasting sense of satisfaction in life, and peace of mind. That my friend, is real happiness.