You are about to a call a client for the first time. You double check their name, their phone number and your script. But have you checked your Attitude?
If you don’t have a positive attitude about calling, put down that phone! You may be doing more harm than good!
Our bodies are magnificent things. They run by what our mind is telling them. If you have resentment and fear in your mind, it emits that negative energy through your body. And it will spill out of every pore of your being, including your voice! As soon as you say hello, that emotion is the first thing people hear. You can be using the most sincere language, but that person on the other end of the call will hear the true emotion loud and clear. It is the same as saying “no” to someone while your head is nodding “yes”. It is confusing and it builds distrust. Not the result you wanted from the call, is it?
This accounts for why so many people have spent hundreds of hours in sales training skills but have not improved their sales numbers. The key is to improve their “inner” skills. Here are a couple of things to get you started before you make that next call.
Take a deep breath and relax. Close your eyes, and picture yourself living the life you always wanted. Now really visualize it. Are you in that great sports car? Are you in a mansion? Are you on your private yacht on the Mediterranean? Do you have a great partner? Feel your energy shifting as you step into that life. Feel yourself in that life. Now take note of how you feel. Doesn’t it feel great? Are you smiling?
Now think about that stranger you are about to call. What kind of day are they having? You are about to interrupt that day. Are they living their dream? What service can you provide them today? What do they need from you? What can you, as a person who has everything in life, offer them today to make their day a little better? Now feel that feeling. Does it bring a smile to your face? Now dial.
It is that feeling and attitude that will help you build rapport with people. They will sense your feeling even across a phone line. And who doesn’t want to deal with a person that emits such positive energy? The client will feel this attitude and you will earn their trust. When it is time to call a professional who do you think will be in the front of their mind? The person that asked them two or three questions trying to get something from them, or the one who really made them feel special?
Change your attitude from “getting” to “giving.”
You will see the results!
Think About It!